Alex Gogoliev Art

Watercolor Artist in Boulder Area & Denver Colorado

Hello! My name is Alex. I reside in Colorado and I am a 36 year old father of two amazing boys and I am  would like to tell you a bit about my art journey.

My artistic journey began with a desire to capture my dreams on paper. I’ve always been fascinated by lucid dreaming, and I still keep a dream journal to this day. That journal has become an endless well of ideas and inspiration, fueling my creativity. 

Trying to translate the strange and wonderful imagery from my dreams into quick sketches gave me the first push to create. Dreams are often beyond words, and a sketch can be the perfect tool to capture their essence. At first, I used a simple pen, but as my passion deepened, I transitioned to ink pens for a more refined expression.

Watercolor Artist in Boulder Area & Denver Colorado

Another important source of inspiration for me is travel. Every chance I get to explore new places and fully immerse myself in nature is a cherished experience. When I’m out in the world, all the noise and distractions fade away, and I’m reminded of what truly matters. In those moments, I find clarity and can truly witness the moment. And hopefully capture this moment in my art. I know that no painting or photograph can truly replicate being out there and seeing with your own eyes. But I carry those moments within me, allowing them to shape and inspire my art, filtered through my own perception.

My children also continue to inspire me. When we’re outdoors as a family, their innocent wonder and excitement are contagious. Through their eyes, I’m able to rediscover the beauty of the world, which deepens my appreciation and inspires my work even more.

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